Jakob works with the son of the town doctor, Simon, a school educate doctor (albeit not graduated) unlike his father who never went to university to study medicine. The pair work together to solve the murder of children and prove the local midwife is falsely accused of both the murders and of wichcraft.
The title of the book comes from Jakob's daughter, Magdalena, who is a midwife in training but is stubborn like her father. She and Simon have an unapproved, discouraged, courtship as hangmen families are pariah. Much like her father Magdalena views the world in a practical sense and doesn't get caught up in hysteria. She provides the bridge between the two heroes and aids when she can.
In the end the Magdalena is abducted by the villain to force Jakob to find answers. The tale spins around old views, class struggles, and a town living more in the past than moving to the future. The town elders want a witches confession retrieved by the hangman before the Count's secretary arrives and the hangman isfighting against time to learn the truth.
While many people found parts of the book tedious and some of the language out of place I lovedthe immersion into Bavarian culture of the time wonderful. Onto The Dark Monk, thenext book in the Series!