Sunday, October 10, 2010

What I do with the Books I read

Bottom Line..... I donate them.  I bag them all up and drive over to the local library and put them in the donation bins.  I have no desire to accumulate tons and tons of dusty used books.  If I were a collector or had a small book shop that would be a different story but I live with wife and step-son in a ranch with no room for things to sit accumulating dust. 

What do you do with your books? Perhaps you EBay them, maybe thats something I should have done.  Start a used bookstore on EBay or Amazon.  Send me a message, maybe there is something I can do with all the books I read other than dropping them in a bin.


  1. Wow. I never knew you to be a reader. Impressive. If you look close enough, you'll figure out who this is. ;) Oh. And you have a typo in your "about me". Suthington has an "O" in it.

  2. Thanks PJ! This is a project in its infancy and hopefully I can parlay it into an aid for my writing and a little side money as well.
